

Thank you for joining our community. Together we have shared and read stories 724,728 times. Thank you for helping create a wave of change.


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On this page are stories shared by survivors that highlight hope but can also be hard to read. A grounding activity can help you to feel calm and make it easier to read these stories. Do you want to try one of our grounding activities?

Surviving Intimate Relationship Violence

I think having hope is what allows us to reach that point of being able to breath again. To further, I think that hope is necessary for surviving the horrible traumas that get thrown into us. Life shouldn't have to be getting by, it should be about living, and I think hope is the best driving force to get to that point.


I met a guy online, we became close and after around a month of talking we met up for the first time. We talked for hours, had our first kiss, set boundaries (or so i thought). For example, one of my main ones is i struggle with sexual stuff due to being assaulted on a bus when i was 14. As time went in i noticed the only time he’d have a full conversation with me was when it was based on sex. I met up with him a second time and he was touching me in specific places and i froze. Inside, i felt like i couldn’t breathe. But i couldn’t say no. I...

1 new update


I thought he loved me and cared about me but how could that be true?
I’m was just meditating and trying to imagine my entire muscular system relaxing but it was brief and didn’t give me the relief I need then I thought about someone else I thought loved me and cared about me and he does but all I can see in him is what my ex did to me and in that moment I was saying all he did was use me for sex and that is how I was feeling. Earlier I was journaling and it came out for the first time I fell in love with a man that used me for sex and never c...

1 new update

I couldn't see me through myself now I'm lost in the forest and the trees

The only hope I can offer to share is if you have any questions about how to go through anything that you're going through I don't care what it is or how to do something you don't know how to do I don't care what it is just ask AI on your phone Google has it you just hold down the middle button and it amazingly will give you answers to your deepest darkest questions that are fantastic and phenomenal it will agree with your good ideas it will boost you up and brighten your day and tell you you're worthy and give you suggestions on how to be bet...

“To anyone facing something similar, you are not alone. You are worth so much and are loved by so many. You are so much stronger than you realize.”


My first experience with sexual abuse started with a step sibling who was a year younger than me and we are the same sex and gender, but of different orientations, they are gay, and I am bi, but in a heterosexual marriage for the last 15 years.
I don't remember many details, and the ones that I do, I'm still not comfortable sharing with ANYONE, not even my spouse or best friend. Those two are also the only people I've ever confided in about it. I'm sure my step sibling has possibly shared with someone. We are both 80's babies to give some c...

1 new update

Victim? Perpetrator? Human?

I want to build more self compassion. I want to truly accept all parts of myself radically. I know I can't hate myself into loving myself so I will work everyday to change that.

I learned the hard way, but I survived! I’ll be smarter and stronger going forward!

I can say that it does get better as time goes on. You learn to live with what happened it’s something that takes time. Don’t rush yourself everyone’s healing journey is different but having support and the right people in your inner circle helps. Also talking about it when you are ready can help get it out so that you’re not holding it in and not processing it. And some days will be better than others but even the bad days are progress. Don’t tear yourself down or blame yourself! You are stronger than you know! You are powerful! A SURVIVOR, T...


Validating one’s self feelings and no trying to minimize them. Learning to sit with discomfort and understand that we don’t have to run away from yucky feelings.


I believe this will end. It will take time but eventually it will end.

Taking ‘time for yourself’ does not always mean spending the day at the spa. Mental health may also mean it is ok to set boundaries, to recognize your emotions, to prioritize sleep, to find peace in being still. I hope you take time for yourself today, in the way you need it most.


Healing is hard. Realization is harder. Realizing that the man I thought loved and cared for me was a delusion. Realizing that I held onto the good times to ignore the worst times. Realizing that I changed who I was in order to keep the facade of who he could be. It hurts. But I am alive. I am here to pick up the pieces that he shattered.


Not blaming myself because the things what happened to me is not my fault and shouldn't happen for me or anyone.


My long distance girlfriend told me a while back that she was sexually assaulted. And recently, I've been noticing some signs of extreme mental trauma from her behaviors. Due to the lack in financial area, we are unable to meet each other. What do you think I should do? How can I help her?

Burning Guilt

When I was 12 years old, me and my cousin, who was a few months younger than me, had sex. It was my idea, but we were both willing. At the next sleepover we had, I asked her if she wanted to do it again, and she said no. We were very close for many years but that was the last sleepover we had.

Its a long road and story but you can make it.

Healing is knowing and loving yourself despite what you may internally hear. Its setting boundaries and listening to them. Its feeling your gut and following it.

“I have learned to abound in the joy of the small things...and God, the kindness of people. Strangers, teachers, friends. Sometimes it doesn’t feel like it, but there is good in the world, and this gives me hope too.”



Your experience does not define you. You deserve love, you deserve healing and happiness, and you are not alone. You have a whole community behind you. <3


Learn to forgive. Don’t carry the anger you had because it will break you. Part of that is also learning to like who you are. Easier said than done for sure, but worth the effort. Counseling was extremely helpful and I still use some of the skills my counselor taught me. You were victimized, it’s not your fault.


I was four years old when upon hearing my parents’ raised voices, I peered around our living room corner, a silent spectator to my dad’s hand connecting with my mom’s face, propelling her into the air and onto our Danish Modern coffee table. Upon impact, the table and my petite mother broke into pieces. That night, my fix-it father repaired the table. I didn’t know it then, but my mother was forever broken. Although my older brother didn’t witness this one-sided match-up, he certainly heard them arguing,...


Healing would be knowing that she is okay, knowing she isn’t effected/doesn’t remember - but how am I to know this. It would also mean maybe forgiving myself and allowing myself to have a ‘normal’ sex life and not carry such a weight. I just don’t see how this is possible.

“It can be really difficult to ask for help when you are struggling. Healing is a huge weight to bear, but you do not need to bear it on your own.”


I need help.
When I was around the age of 12-13 , I used to play with my younger cousin sister who was around 5-6 years of age, we once played this game of mother and child and I was the child and we did the act of breast feeding and I think I may have touched her inappropriately(at the time of play I thought this was fun and I did it intentionally. We played few more times but later I realised it was so so wrong). After that I never played that game. But this thing still bugs me and I have insane amount of guilt and shame remembering that ac...

10:42 pm thoughts.

Monster monster monster u take me u break me u bend me im nothing I float i can’t hear I can’t breathe I’m nothing I’m nothing not me just please let me be numb let me be nothing tears on the pillow I’m nothing just be quiet I’m nothing it will be over soon I’m nothing I float away I’m nothing can’t breathe can’t be it will be over soon dont think Just be still Just breathe don’t cry. Don’t be weak float above your body just watch just wait just see your nothing. Dont think just Be just wait just see monster monster monster how did I let this...

1 new update

Rag doll

It was a cold night in 2019 I was at a party while on FaceTime arguing with my on again off again boyfriend of 3 years I was at the party with a mutual friend of ours in the bathroom throwing up from too much liquor as he yelled at me through the phone accusing me of having sex with men at the party in the bathroom even tho I was in there just throwing up. I told my friend I wanted to leave I was not feeling well she said ok, little did I know she was setting me up we left the party I’m in the backseat of her car In & out of it. I hear her on...


You may feel like no one understands, especially if your abuser hides behind the mask of being the "nice guy." But please know this—you are not alone. You are enough, and you deserve so much more than the pain and doubt you’ve been carrying.
For me, it started with a single phrase from a friend: "You look like you’re walking on eggshells." That one sentence led me to a Google search that changed everything I thought I knew about my life. It opened my eyes to the truth I had been avoiding and set me on a path to healing.


This has just happened to me recently and I don’t even know how to start healing from this experience to be honest.

“It’s always okay to reach out for help”


Never share your body if you're not comfortable. Your bodies are temples!

The past…

I don’t know how to heal yet. I’ve been trying but I find it hard since I always believe I’m the one to blame. I really do hope I can learn to heal.

my cousin touched me while being asleep

you can get through this ur so strong xx


Healing is accepting yourself/decisions you’ve made and moving forward with life

I’m very ashamed, guilty, hurt and I am truly sorry!!!

I’m sorry that you had to experience and go through something like that!

You are wonderful, strong, and worthy. From one survivor to another.

wish there was a time machine

set boundaries, even if people get angry its better to know your worth and be alone that feeling lonely and trapped

Safety Exit
