Original Story
I went to a party at my mom's friend’s house to celebrate her husband's and her son’s birthday. At the party, there were many adults and young kids. Since my mom’s friend knew this she invited a girl that went to their church so that I could have someone to talk to. Also at the party, was a twenty year old that was a drummer at their church. At the party, the three of us were talking and getting to know each other. The girl who was there told me they used to date. I did not think anything of it until much later on. I started to like him until later on. Once the girl left the party it was just me and him talking. Everything was innocent until he started to tell me I was beautiful and asked me out on a date. I said no; however, the more I declined the more he asked. I eventually said yes so that he could stop asking. After I said yes he asked me to go upstairs and have sex with him. I did tell him, no, but he persistently requested. I needed a second to breathe so I asked him where the bathroom was. He told me where it was and asked to go in there with me a couple of times. When I came back, he continuously gave me compliments and typed sexual body parts in his notes app and showed them to me. To some, this story may seem insignificant, but for me, it was hard to get over. He was the first person who should romantic interest in me. After this experience,e I was afraid to date and thought no one would want me. Now I am working on moving on with my life and receiving love.