Multiple Abuse, Healing
Original Story
I was SA’d in elementary school for the duration of 5th grade. When I told my mom, she made me confront my abuser to hear both sides to the story which left me feeling unheard and unloved. In my 20s I married someone who was violent and had to endure DV throughout my marriage with two small children. I was able to leave after years of not having the courage or feeling like I wasn’t good enough. I still have a lot of shame over that time. I left when I saw my oldest cry and I knew they deserved better. After watching ‘It Ends With Us’ I messaged my ex-husband and told him that after 20+years after our divorce I am still affected by his abuse and hope he stopped hurting women after me. I remarried someone who I thought was perfect only to find he had been SA my children for some time in our marriage. Fortunately, he did receive some time for what he did, not enough for what he caused but I know the justice system fails all types of abuse cases. We were one of the lucky ones to have been heard. The road to healing is long and may never end, but I am grateful to be alive to have the opportunity to continue to try.