The past…
Original Story
I don’t know if my other story was shared or not (I think the page refreshed) I wanted to talk about some things that happened to me when I was younger, I don’t know if I would call them traumatic but they have stuck with me and at the time I didn’t think it was wrong but now that I’m older I see them in a different way. This happened when I was younger, I was around 6/7? I don’t remember well. One of my mom’s friend would come over along with her daughter who was older than me (5/6 years older). And this girl would lock me in my mom’s room, make me lay down and she would get on top and make out with me. I thought that was something normal so that’s why I didn’t speak to someone about it, but now that I’m older i understand better and know that it was wrong. Because of this I would see these type of acts as something normal, which would lead to me and close school friends to play “house” and act like grown ups and we would kiss. I feel like that made me become sexual way too young and I feel like it has affected me a bit in my life growing up.