Original Story
Recently memories of my childhood have somehow resurfaced, I feel it may be because of a recent breakup where sex - my low sex drive became quite an issue. These memories include two of my younger sisters. We must have all been under 8, I may have been 7, one 4/5 and the other 2/3. I recall playing games in our rooms under blankets. Making the younger turn and not watch while I somewhat made out with my younger sister. I also recall getting her to apply pressure to my private area. This is causing me so so so much guilt and stress. We may have done this ‘game’ 1-3 times. I feel disgusting that I did this and worry it has effected her. I’m unsure if she remembers and it keeps me up at night knowing I could’ve scared her. It also has left me feeling so disgusted and sorry this has also effected my adult sex life. I don’t want to talk to her about it, and I even feel to ashamed to bring it up with my therapist! I just wish I could know if she remembers or has trauma from it!