Original Story
While going through radiation on my brain in my 30s I kept getting flashbacks and thoughts of been pulled into the bushes in my local park and been raped. The psychologist at the oncology hospital asked me have you ever been sexual abused. I replied no never. 4 yrs later after the death of an uncle it all came back to me. From the ages of 10 to 14 he was sexually abusing telling me I was taking my seizures. I was imagining it, no one would believe me. My mam didn't believe me, because she was having an affair with him. After 2.5yrs of counselling with the {~Org Name~} I'm finally able to put one foot in front of the other, take one day at a time and realise I'm a survivor and a warrior 💪 and each and everyone of us who have suffered because of those who harmed us we will get through, we will brave the storm sending you all a virtual hug 🫂