It's complicated
Original Story
When I was 11 I had a friend in the grade below me. We were really close and hung out a lot, often I'd have a sleepover at her house and then when my mom came to pick me up she'd come with us to spend another night. It was great we had a lot of the same interests and then it turned. One day we were laying in my bed playing games with the door closed, she climbed on top of me and kissed me. It made me really uncomfortable and I didn't know what to do. As the weeks went on this continued. She'd guilt trip me and beg me to make out with her and it made me feel really sick. I didn't know what to do because I thought if I stopped being friends with her she'd tell people personal things about me and I thought that if I told an adult they'd get mad at me. I never really knew what to call this because I am physically bigger than her and also a year older so i felt that i couldn't call it rape or sexual assault. We naturally grew apart after she switched schools.